How do I schedule a lesson?
You can schedule by calling 847.436.1234. Kimber will take the call and direct you to the proper instructor for scheduling.
Where should I go and when?
The lessons are held at High Finance Farm at Zia West LLC on Gilmer Rd in Hawthorn Woods. Plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled time. If this is your first lesson, please complete the 3 release forms and bring them with you. Your instructor will meet you and get you a riding helmet and boots (size dependent) to use during your first lessons.
What should I wear?
Riders should come as follows:
Long hair back in a low ponytail
Fitted shirt/sweater/jacket no farther than the hip (don’t want to sit on it!)
No tank tops or spaghetti straps!
Pants should be fitted and down to the ankle (no capris or shorts) avoid slippery fabrics.
Avoid tennis shoes. A low heeled boot/shoe is the best. A Limited number of paddock boots are available for use.
Thin riding gloves are recommended.
Where can I purchase riding apparel & equipment?
Saddlers Row in Palatine, IL: HFF is sponsored by Saddlers Row and they offer new rider discounts (HFF has discount cards available) and have a great consignment area!
Dover Saddlery in Libertyville, IL: They offer discounts for USEF members.
What should I expect?
Lessons are 30 minutes of instructor time. Your initial lessons are time spent both in the barn learning key skills (leading, mounting, general riding, dismounting) with an emphasis on safety. As riders show competency in these areas they will be invited to get there horses to the ring and mount before their time begins to maximize the
riding portions of their lesson.
Can I brush and care for the horse?
Insurance requires that HFF teach these skills before an individual is allowed to do these functions. Until a rider receives this training/review, our staff is responsible for preparing and putting up the horse.
How often should I ride?
Like all skills the more you do it the faster you will progress. Please know that we schedule on a standing schedule. Standing appointments are priority so we recommend/require a minimum of one lesson per week. We recommend 2 lessons per week. Group lessons (50-60 minutes/ same pricing) are available on the weekends based on skill level.
What if I need to cancel?
24 hours notice is required to cancel without charge. Rescheduling requires the same notification.